Even more Canvas vs Maths fun! This JavaScript demo vaguely emulates some spring physics. There are 10 linked points – each of whose acceleration is determined by the distance to the spring in front of them. A nice curve drawn between each point using the quadraticCurveTo command. And it sure makes some perdy patterns. The […]
Author Archives: Mr Speaker
3D with HTML5 Canvas: Part 2
Part 2! Unbelievable, my attention span is expanding in my old age… Today we are going to look at building on the 3d starfield of Part 1 by moving from dots to lines! By the end of this tutorial, we’ll have a floating cube demo that we can scale and translate in 3D space. Use […]
Convert WordPress fetch_rss to fetch_feed
I realised that I wasn’t properly handling the return value on a feed I was grabbing to display the “Spiffy things from the Internet” section of the blog. I went to WordPress to look up the fetch_rss API details, only to find that it had been deprecated in WordPress 2.8.something. Being the ever-vigilant beacon of […]
JavaScript games for iPhone
The good Mr Craig Sharkie (URL pending…) pointed me to a JavaScript game that was designed to run on the iPhone. Being a copycat, I decided to port my recently un-earthed platform game to be iPhone-friendly. Due to a serendipitous accident, the game was already 320×480 pixels – so all that was required was to […]
3D with HTML5 Canvas: Part 1
Ah ha! First time on this blog where I’ve started a “series” and got past post 1. (Check out post one: called “Part 0”). Well anyway, it turns out that my theory that simple 3D is easier that it seems was correct. Based on my vague inclination of how the maths should work, I constructed […]
3D with HTML5 Canvas: Part 0
My breakthrough with high-school level vector mathematics got me thinking: maybe maths isn’t as hard as my math teachers made it appear? And maybe it could be used for more cool stuff… like, making a 3D game? My programming skills are such that I could make games that come from 1980 – and Battlezone was […]
Do you remember when rock was young?
I just realised that my cathartic “throw all my old stuff up on the web and call it done” might apply to more than just JavaScript code, so here’s a couple of tracks I never finished way back in the summer of ’05. We were all so young and crazy then… Miss New Orleans by […]
Blobby physics thing
Add ForceJointsPointsOutlineFillAuto
Faking email delivery in .NET
Well here’s a tip that would have prevented me from barraging the owners of test.com and asdf.com with mountains of garbage test emails, had I discovered it many years ago (sorry about that, guys!). In .NET you can easily specify a location to dump emails ready to be picked up by the SMTP server. If […]