Mr Speaker

Author Archives: Mr Speaker

More javascript madness

Presenting yet another blast-from-the-javascript-past, “Some Adventure-y Guy: The Platformer!”. Navigate your way around the treacherous pits of, err, darkeness in search of the mystical sack of money I copied from Pitfall…

Why you’ll care about Google Wave

I went in with low expectations (which may have influenced my resulting opinions) but the flaky and slow Google Wave developer preview exhibits clear and unarguable signs of awesomeness to come – so much so that I’m already annoyed that I have to go back to regular boring-old email after using Wave for only a […]

Heads or Tails or “Other”

I’m no mathemagician, and Keno-Man is certainly indicating we should all be impressed… but I’m just not sure about these odds. Best leave the gambling to the gamblers, I s’pose.

Don’t Get It “Video”

Damn… It’s been a couple of days since I posted – so I thought I best get something in from the First Jelly at AR. It’s a “video” for the Computadors track Don’t Get it Remixed that I chucked together in Ableton Live – yes – Live! It has some incredibly rudimentary video editing functionality […]

Javascript game: Deamons Of Space

Another piece of JavaScript magic from the 2003 archives: I gave it a quick once-over to get it up and running in Firefox… though now it might not work in anything else, but there you go. Like all my creations, the controls are damn hard to get used to – I don’t know what I […]

JavaScript game: Corporate BFFs

Holy b-jezus! I found a whole treasure-chest of stuff I did in pre-2006 then let rot in the dank dungeons of my G: drive. Today’s resurrection: Corporate Best Friends Forever: a “memory” type game with a twist. All the cards are face up – you simply have to match the pairs. The twist? There are […]

Arduino step sequencer

After getting my Atari 2600 half-finished masterpiece, Plops!, off my hard drive and onto the intertubes, I realised that I’ve found an easy way of achieving a nice feeling of closure without ever having to finish any of my half-arsed projects again: just chuck it up on my blog and consider it done! Accordingly, I […]


Welcome to the Plops! work-in-progress by Mr. Speaker. This is an actual Atari 2600 game I started making many moons ago. Space to start (click on the atari to focus!), arrows for movin and jumping (to collect “stones”), and space for throwing collected stones. It’s bloody hard to get used to jumping that purple thing. […]

Revisions in WordPress 2.7

Quick note for those running WordPress 2.7, and are starting to freak out about the 500 gazillion revision rows that are now getting inserted into your database… There are a few ways to cull them – such as deleting all posts with type “revision”, but that’s pretty annoying. Thankfully, the WordPress docs now have a […]