Mr Speaker

Author Archives: Mr Speaker

Popcorn kernel bread ™

It is, with no doubt, the greatest idea I have ever had: bake bread with a bunch of popcorn kernels in it. This idea… it’s just… it’s by far better than any other idea on this blog. It’s better than my Kentucky Fried Chicken Feen from 2005. It’s better than my BASIC revelation from 2015. […]

ES6 (ES2017+) module support

It’s been a long time coming, and we’re still on shaky ground – but native module support is close. Not “burn your build tools!” close, but “burn your build tools for personal projects!” close… like arrow function syntax in 2013. If you have Firefox Nightly, or Safari Tech Preview (or Edge, I believe!) – you […]

Building geometry with fraggles

My last experiment got out of hand and now the cubes have become self aware. See for yourself! The earlier “lil cube” example worked by creating individual box meshes and adding them to the scene. This is not a very scalable approach if we want a lot of boxes! Creating a single chunk of 16 […]

Lil’ cube-y thing

Just adding something before the new year. Gotta get those posting stats up. Lil’ cube-t thing! Made with three.js, quick-sticks. Source of course.


THIS IS WHERE YOUR DEMO GOES is my aborted attempt for this year’s js1k competition. It uses the browser’s speechSynthesis capabilities along with some Web Audio API drones to make a lovely bedtime song… I don’t think I’ll get it squashed to < 1k in the next few days though, so plopping it up here […]

The elusive Pinterest App Link handler

App Links seem like a perdy good idea: trying to bring back a bit of the web to walled garden-ed applications. Of course, the issue is it’s up to the individual app developers to support them. And it seems that the big social sites are quite fond of not making things more open. Also, they […]

CyberVision Lite

Indie Game: the movie was filled with inspirational things. The least of which was probably Phil Fish’s self-air-quoted childhood “software” creation: CyberVision. When I watched this a few years ago I thought it was too good to be lost to the ages, so I recreated it. Choose between 150, 300, 600, and 1200 flash. There […]

Code-golfing the BASICs

Moments of genius: they strike me once ever 9 years, apparently. The last one happened when I realised how to correct distribute beers – this one happened when I figured out how to shave 4 bytes off the perennial BASIC classic… 10 PRINT”MR SPEAKER RULEZ!!!!!” 20 GOTO 10 RUN Applying my Mr Speaker’s Stroke-of-genius 2015: […]