One week ago I would have sworn that Flappy Bird was a case of beautiful dumb luck: some guy threw a bunch of out-of-the-box elements on a screen, and accidentally created a world-wide phenomenon. But after subjecting it to scrupulous analysis during the process of “accurately” cloning it, I discovered so many fundamentally important details […]
Author Archives: Mr Speaker
Mister Moonboots: on the App Store!
Bust out the champagne (or the chartreuse, if you’re feeling game): Mister Moonboots has been released on the App Store! Rush and play it 3 times now, then go and rate it 5 stars (if you loved it) or 4 stars (if you’re a heartless miser who wishes to suck all traces of joy from […]
Flappy Bird Typing Tutor
Well, that escalated quickly. PLAY NOW!, come back for detail later.
Conquering Flappy Bird
The creator of the current smash-hit game “Flappy Bird” is either a certified genius or an authentic wacko. In either case, this game ignores every rule of good design: plopping you into your own personal crazily-addictive fire-y hell of casual gaming. All you can do is suppress your rage, grit your teeth, and try yet […]
Bitcoin market visualizer thing
Having a slight slither of skin in the Bitcoin game, I decided it would be prudent to more closely monitor my investments. There’s some fantastic tools for this: Bitcoin Wisdom and Trading View and Co. But they all show a single view, designed to be viewed in a browser tab. I needed something that would […]
Spam, my friend.
Hi there could I allusion some of the perceptiveness from this participant if I minister to a relation help to your site? I just deleted 18,311 pending comments that had been submitted to this blog. 99.99% were spam, but 0.01% were real comments from real people, so I had to vet them one at a […]
One-line array wrap
I like this lil’ one-liner for wrapping around an array forward, or backwards. Given an array, with a current index, you want to move either to the next item, or the previous one. Here’s the setup: var a = [“alice”, “bob”, “charlie”], current = 0; // start with “alice”, direction = Math.random() < 0.5 ? […]
My new bitcoin-enabled business card
New games ahoy!
Just a quick update, ’cause I haven’t been here for a while – but I have been busy making things, promise. Here’s a couple of games I did: Time Flies Straight: a non-usual game of fractal time, staring Carl Sagan. Glowbougs: a platform adventure for the JS13K comp. I have many things to say about […]