Here’s my entry for Ludum Dare #26, on the theme Minimalism.
Category: Languages
DHTML Lemmings: an awesome hack
That image is the punchline to the question I awoke with in the middle of last night: “How the FLIPPIN’ ‘ECK did that guy do destructible terrain for DHTML Lemmings… in 2004?!!!”. I lay there for some time as thoughts raced through my mind: There was no canvas element in 2004. No WebGL. In fact, […]
Short function syntax is here!
It’s happened. It’s finally happened. Short function syntax is here! At least, if you’re running the nightly version of Firefox (which I am now, due to my promise to adopt the first browser to introduce short function syntax). Short function syntax replaces the lengthy function keyword with a symbol =>, and the almost-as-lengthy return keyword […]
#Random Hex colour
Want a random colour between white and black? “#” + (Math.random() * 0xffffff | 0).toString(16) That is all. [Update: after I posted this I thought… i bet this has been done a zillion times already. It was, and by Paul Irish in 2009 no less. Additionally – it doesn’t work. The best looking one there […]
Scala date range
Google it: “Scala date range”. The results are… unhelpful. The top result (a Stack Overflow link, obviously) hints at a workable solution. Here’s my implementation of it: import org.joda.time.{DateTime, Period} def dateRange(from: DateTime, to: DateTime, step: Period): Iterator[DateTime] = Iterator.iterate(from)(!_.isAfter(to)) To use it, provide a “from” date, a “to” date and a joda time period: […]
Live editing for game development
Here’s a small demo on how I’ve been using Chrome’s “live editing” features to speed up my development workflow. Chrome let’s you modify currently loaded files on the fly – so you can tweak settings and test code in real time. Don’t forget to keep an eye on the development of my up-and-coming waterski odyssey: […]
CoffeeScript: tell me how you feel about it
[update: wow, amazing response so far! I’ll start collating the data and get you all some findings soon.] Hey chaps, I’m canvasing general opinions and understanding about CoffeeScript as research for an up-n-coming book. There seems to be some pretty strong thoughts on the matter amongst the people I’ve talked to in person, and I’m […]
Colourising sprites in Canvas – part 2
And we’re back! In part one we looked at setting up a tinted palette for drawing our 8-bit masterpieces to canvas. Here’s what we’re going for today: rendering colourised sprites and tiles. We’ll be loading in the 4-color sprite sheet and rendering tiles from it with our chosen colours.
Colourising sprites in Canvas – part 1
First things first: I promise to try to limit the related posts in the future and I apologize to the legions of l337 coders for the continued coverage. Right, now, on to todays topic: “Colour like that” (Awright, punning on my own blog post titles!). While watching the livestream of Minicraft, I was intrigued by […]