On the way to work today I remembered an old trick to create a “fire” effect: you randomly assign a colour to the pixels on the bottom row of the screen (in the same hue) and for each row above it take the average of the 3 pixels immediately below it, and 1 pixel that […]
Category: Languages
Springs with Canvas
Even more Canvas vs Maths fun! This JavaScript demo vaguely emulates some spring physics. There are 10 linked points – each of whose acceleration is determined by the distance to the spring in front of them. A nice curve drawn between each point using the quadraticCurveTo command. And it sure makes some perdy patterns. The […]
3D with HTML5 Canvas: Part 2
Part 2! Unbelievable, my attention span is expanding in my old age… Today we are going to look at building on the 3d starfield of Part 1 by moving from dots to lines! By the end of this tutorial, we’ll have a floating cube demo that we can scale and translate in 3D space. Use […]
JavaScript games for iPhone
The good Mr Craig Sharkie (URL pending…) pointed me to a JavaScript game that was designed to run on the iPhone. Being a copycat, I decided to port my recently un-earthed platform game to be iPhone-friendly. Due to a serendipitous accident, the game was already 320×480 pixels – so all that was required was to […]
Blobby physics thing
Add ForceJointsPointsOutlineFillAuto
More javascript madness
Presenting yet another blast-from-the-javascript-past, “Some Adventure-y Guy: The Platformer!”. Navigate your way around the treacherous pits of, err, darkeness in search of the mystical sack of money I copied from Pitfall…
Javascript game: Deamons Of Space
Another piece of JavaScript magic from the 2003 archives: I gave it a quick once-over to get it up and running in Firefox… though now it might not work in anything else, but there you go. Like all my creations, the controls are damn hard to get used to – I don’t know what I […]
JavaScript game: Corporate BFFs
Holy b-jezus! I found a whole treasure-chest of stuff I did in pre-2006 then let rot in the dank dungeons of my G: drive. Today’s resurrection: Corporate Best Friends Forever: a “memory” type game with a twist. All the cards are face up – you simply have to match the pairs. The twist? There are […]