In the likely event that WebJam 2 drives hordes of intrigued web nerds this way I am providing a 2-minute guide to Mr Speaker
Category: Nerd Loves Safari
A little ID-based HTML outburst from the coders at Last.Fm
Views vs Comments: 100 to 1
It takes 100 page views to solicit 1 comment. Seriously – EXACTLY 100.
Flickr/Last.Fm Mashup with Yahoo! Pipes
Flickr/Last.Fm Mashup with Yahoo! Pipes that adds Flickr images based on content analysis to last fm user pages
Introduction to Yahoo Pipes
Learn to use the amazing Yahoo Pipes web application to create some killer mash-ups.
Japan: Footy, Tag Clouds and 2D Barcodes
Some awesome cool and nerdy stuff from the land of the rising stuff: Religion, football, tag clouds and 2D barcodes.
My Life – In Computer Years
Nothing like a major milestone to throw you into a whirl of nostalgic self-reflection. Today I’m 30. 30 years old. Here is a very nerdy retrospective of the computers that made up my life…
When is a dead pixel not a dead pixel?
What is the collective term for pixels? I dunno, but here is a simple post explaining how many dead pixels constitutes a broken monitor.
Javascript Hexadecimal Helpers
Hexadecimal sure comes in handy sometimes. Like, say, um, if you wanted to know why there was some of the alphabet on your scientific calculator for example. Here are a couple of javascript objects to help you out with some hexadecimal byte conversion.