Mr Speaker

Category: Nerd

Nerdy stuff

The simple genius of Flappy Bird

One week ago I would have sworn that Flappy Bird was a case of beautiful dumb luck: some guy threw a bunch of out-of-the-box elements on a screen, and accidentally created a world-wide phenomenon. But after subjecting it to scrupulous analysis during the process of “accurately” cloning it, I discovered so many fundamentally important details […]

Mister Moonboots: on the App Store!

Bust out the champagne (or the chartreuse, if you’re feeling game): Mister Moonboots has been released on the App Store! Rush and play it 3 times now, then go and rate it 5 stars (if you loved it) or 4 stars (if you’re a heartless miser who wishes to suck all traces of joy from […]

Pixelmator save, Project reload.

End result: Hit save in Pixelmator, web page automatically reloads with new PNGs. Tools: Pixelmator (image editor), Grunt + LiveReload (task runner), Automator (Mac automation thingo), Bash (Bash). I’m generally not a fan of automating tasks, unless the task is consistent over multiple projects and over long periods of time. Automating things is fun – […]

Pix Up, Look Sharp: a pixel resizer for Pixelmator

Pixelmator is a fantastic image editor for Mac, but it lacks the ability to stretch an image via a “nearest-neighbor, big pixels please” method. I know, right?! Anyhoo… I made a Quartz Composer called plugin Pix Up, Look Sharp that does it for you, allowing you to set the width and height scaling amount. To […]

More is Zmore

Ludum Darer JellyCakes has been live streaming his playing-and-rating efforts of entries in Ludum Dare 26. He’s an excellent reviewer: testing each game very thoroughly and fairly. And he’s hilarious. After giving my entry a good run through its paces he concluded with the above video. Might not fit the competition’s theme of “minimalism”, but […]

Short function syntax is here!

It’s happened. It’s finally happened. Short function syntax is here! At least, if you’re running the nightly version of Firefox (which I am now, due to my promise to adopt the first browser to introduce short function syntax). Short function syntax replaces the lengthy function keyword with a symbol =>, and the almost-as-lengthy return keyword […]

Live editing for game development

Here’s a small demo on how I’ve been using Chrome’s “live editing” features to speed up my development workflow. Chrome let’s you modify currently loaded files on the fly – so you can tweak settings and test code in real time. Don’t forget to keep an eye on the development of my up-and-coming waterski odyssey: […]


Maze generation has never been easier: Math.random() < 0.5 ? "/" : "\\"; and you've got yourself a maze! Like all awesome ideas this one comes directly from the Commodore 64.

What you’re missing out on on App.Net

Maybe you’ve heard that there’s a new kid on the short-message scene: App.Net. It’s just like Twitter, except you have to pay $50 a year to use it. Sure, that’ll keep the poor people away – but what else do you get for the fee? How’s this for an incentive: no longer are you limited […]