Stable Orbit. Reach some stability in your life. That is your only goal.
A small entry for the Ludum Dare 38 compo.
A small entry for the Ludum Dare 38 compo.

Time Flies Straight. A non-usual raycasted adventure of fractal time. Staring Carl Sagan.
Wander the halls of fractal time, searching for the precious seconds you need to complete your journey. (As seen on TV!)
Wander the halls of fractal time, searching for the precious seconds you need to complete your journey. (As seen on TV!)
DIGIBOTS & Co.: an inside-out Lemmings-like game.

Flappy Bird Typing Tutor. Typing and Flappy Bird: together at last!
Some coverage on mashable.

Zmore. A platform painting game born of light and dark. For Ludum Dare 26 on the theme "Minimalism".

GüBer Taxi. Roam the galaxy looking for passangers. Deliver them safely. Earn the big $$$.

Cold Snap (Vegas rules). A good ol' (Vegas standard rules*) game of Cold Snap™: Spot the snowmen, click the cloth to shuffle, clear some space with bombs. Findin' glyphs in a sea of unicode - just like your gramps used to play.

Metal Meter Madness. Scour the beaches in search of cash cash money. A hat tip to insane 80s UK home computer games.

Oscillator. Cyberpunk missile command. Retrieve the code fragments and defend your self from falling anomalies.

Glowbougs. A Pitfall II inspired adventure for the JS13K comp.

Biomint. 3D resource pillaging game. Use scouts to look for minerals below the surface of the earth. Blow the bejessus out of it, and then send rovers to collect the treasure. Entry for Ludum Dare 25 on the theme "You are the villain".
Professor Digman-Rünner: Example game for my book "Jump start CoffeeScript".
Corp bff: Memory game for those with good memories.
Slowfell: Things falling slowly.
Ω500: a 2D canvas-based JavaScript library that I've been compiling as I make games. It's starting to get some meat on it now.
Snippets, WIP, & experiements

Waterski Or Die! In-progress game of waterskiing in the 80s. Radical!

Explostyx 3D Flying French Fries

Fraggled 3D wandering fraggle fellows. Not sure what they're up to.

Some Adventure Guy Made back in 2005 - some of my first experiments in JavaScript games.
The Darkness: Not a game, but got me back into makin' some games.
Tetris vs Space Invaders. Tetris. Versus Space Invaders.
Lightning Strike Drag a lightning bolt from the top of the screen and stop the speeding bar things. Meant to be a mobile game.