Mr Speaker

mrspeaker's head in a monitor You find yourself at the entrance to the Hompage of Mr Speaker. In a darkened corner sits a trunk containing HTML5 games and some JavaScript tidbits. Next to it you spy a mastodon account. Exits are North, East, and .


As those of you with an interest in such things may know, I recently packed up my ruck sack and trundled over to Paris to work at a very cool French company - making some snazzy web apps, mobile apps, and a fantastic application framework. One of the mobile web apps required a scrolling area surround by fixed position elements - not something you can do out of the box on the iPhone. While researching a few possible third-party solutions to the problem, I knocked up this little random colour generator thing: R-G-Bargy

As always, if you're on an iPhone then load up R-G-Bargy in Safari and "Add to homepage".

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Amazing tech news just announced

In an unbelievable twist in the long-standing feud between two rival tech companies, one of the companies today announced or admitted some kind of news that will dramatically alter their current standing in the tech community and greatly impact their relationship with rival company.

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Book review: “jQuery: Novice to Ninja”

jQuery: Novice to NinjaI just finished reading "jQuery: Novice to Ninja" by Earle Castledine & Craig Sharkie, and I have to say - it was as delightful as it was disturbing: without a doubt it is this year's must-read sleeper hit. The authors excel in propelling the reader on an epic personal journey that immerses them in the sights, sounds, and smells of jQuery 1.4. Long after the last page has been turned, and the powerful electric sparks of wonder subside... a feeling of gentle tranquility and wisdom remain. And we get $2 a copy.

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jQuery meeting – the man behind the dollar sign

John Resig. And a beer.Right-o Sydney jQuery cats: here it is! One night only! Saturday afternoon/evening drinks with the one-and-only... John Resig! He's probably tired from his many flights and Web Stock obligations, so here is our chance to trick him into staying in Australia for good. I'm in the process of setting up a meetup on the jQuery meetup site (Join the Sydney group, and I'll update the meetup details) but for now, here's the details:

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DIY Old-school racing game: Part 1

old school racerRemember Pole Position? Outrun? PowerDrift? Lotus Esprit Turbo Challenge? Yeah you do! Remember jQuery 1.4? Most likely! Let's combine those two memories into one DIY project and make our very own old-school racing game with jQuery 1.4, shall we?

To prove it could work, here's an early proof-of-concept to hopefully pique your interest. It'll take us a few posts to get there - but that was just something I cobbled together (and the perspective is messed up)... it will be even cooler when we arrive!

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